Friday, June 21, 2013

Unasumbuliwa na Mapunye? Shilingi? Vibalango? - Natural Home Remedies for Ringworm

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• Ringworm is a common skin disease
• It's caused by fungal growth on the skin
• Ringworm is a contagious condition

Symptoms to look for:

• Round or oval patches
• Itching


• Scratching spreads infection to other parts of the body
• It spreads through contact of utilising articles of infected people
• Risk of ringworm increases in:
   o Warm and humid condition
   o If one has a weak immune system

Natural home remedy using papaya: 

1. Raw papaya is an effective remedy for ringworm
2. Separate the seeds from the papaya
3. Dry the seeds in the sun for 4-5 hr
4. Crush the dried seeds
5. Add little water to make a paste
6. Apply on the infected area
7. Do this 2-3 times a day

• Rubbing papaya on the infection is also useful. Rub it for 10-15 min, 3 times a day

Natural home remedy using mustard seeds:

1. Take 1 tsp of crushed mustard seeds
2. Add little water to make a paste
3. Apply on affected area
4. Wash after 60 min with lukewarm water

Natural home remedy using basil leaves:

1. Crush some basil leaves
2. Press the paste on a sieve and extract its juice
3. Take 2 tsp of this juice

4. Apply on the infected area using cotton

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