Monday, June 17, 2013

Je Una Matatizo Ya Figo? - Home Remedies for Kidney Stone

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Kidney Stones:

• Kidneys clear impurities from blood and remove the waste in form of urine
• There are two types of stones:
   o Uric acid stones
   o Calcium stones (90% of the stones)

Symptoms to look for:

• Stones cause problems when they move from the kidney to the urinary tract
• Urine turns brown or red in colour due to presence of blood
• Uncontrollable urge to urinate
• Nausea
• Vomiting
• As stones grow, they cause unbearable pain


• Crystallisation of chemicals and minerals present in urine leads to kidney stones

Natural home remedy using kidney beans:

1. Take 60 gm kidney beans
2. Add 4 L of water
3. Heat for 4-5 hr
4. Strain the liquid through a fine muslin cloth
5. Allow the liquid to cool
6. Drink 1 glass of this liquid once every 2 hr in a day
7. Do this for a week
8. Do not use the liquid or the beans again 24 hr after the 1st preparation

Natural home remedy using horse gram and pomegranate seeds:
1. Take 1 cup of horse gram
2. Add ½ L water
3. Heat the mixture till water level reduces to 1/5th
4. Strain and collect the soup
5. Add 2 tsp of crushed pomegranate 
6. Mix well
7. Drink once a day

Natural home remedy using basil leaves and honey:

1. Take 10-15 basil leaves
2. Crush them to make paste
3. Take 1 tsp of basil leaf paste
4. Press on a sieve and extract its juice
5. Add 1 tsp honey
6. Mix well
7. Drink this every day


• Drink a glass of apple juice every day

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