Weak Memory:
• A weak memory is very frustrating
and counter-productive
Symptoms to look for:
• Regularly forgetting important
dates and tasks
• A general inability to remember or
memorize information
• Lack of mental exercise
• Stress
• Dietary deficiencies
• Lack of sleep
• Excessive medication
• Hormonal changes during pregnancy
Natural home remedy using cumin
powder and honey:
1. Take ½ tsp cumin powder
2. Add 1 tsp honey
3. Mix well
4. Have this twice a day
Natural home remedy using oats, milk,
dates, almonds and honey:
1. Take 1 cup oats
2. Add 1 cup milk
3. Add 3 chopped dates
4. Add 3 chopped almonds
5. Add 1 tsp honey
6. Mix well
7. Eat this for breakfast
8. Follow it with an unpeeled apple
Natural home remedy using almonds and
1. Soak 7 almonds overnight in water
2. Peel off the skin the next morning
3. Eat them with 1 glass lukewarm
Natural home remedy using honey and
cinnamon powder:
1. Take 1 tbsp honey
2. Add a pinch of cinnamon powder
3. Have this at bedtime
• Solve crosswords and other puzzles
regularly to exercise your brain
• Consume fish rich in omega-3 fatty
acid like:
o Salmon
o Sardines
o Mackerel
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